
Imago Dei offers cutting-edge research regarding
the longstanding issue of women in ministry and their inclusion
in leadership roles. In contrast to traditional arguments often
rooted in the Genesis 3 curse, Creation represents the
foundation starting point for this author's argumentation. Three
lenses - theological, biological, and sociological - provide
remarkable insight into the origin and development of
masculine/feminine differences, their unique skills, social
formation, and contrasting worldviews. Harvey
this data to formulate an Imago Dei ministry model that restores
the Creator's DNA to the leadership equation. Indeed, this
restoration motif introduces the impetus for transitiveness
interpretive recalibration rooted in God's original intent for
His male/female image bearers.
"Ruth Harvey offers us an excellent, biblical exposition of
women in ministry. Based on God's original creative purpose and
the complementary roles of men and women, she constructs a
restorationist model for the church today. All Spirit-filled
believers will benefit from the insights in this book."
David Bernard, UPCI General Superintendent
Ruth Harvey provides a valuable addition to the growing research
on women in ministry. While other resources offer needed
exposition on contested New Testament passages, this book lends
a unique and vital perspective: reframing the issue through
God's plan in creation. By returning to Genesis, integrating
theological scholarship, and incorporating brain research, this
study celebrates the beautify of embracing God's call to both
women and men to be His image bearers in ministry.
Lee Ann Alexander, UPCI Associate Editor
Price: $13.00
Kindle: $9.99

Glancing at my watch, I
realized it was time to start getting ready for our
mid-morning appointment. Picking up my toiletry bag and
some clothes, I made my way down the steep staircase hoping
the bathroom would be available. Reaching the bottom of
the steps, I peeked around the corner only to be confronted
with a closed door. As the time began to slip by rather
quickly, I made several more trips down the stairs, but the
door remained resolutely shut. Nervous impatience began to
escalate within me as my eyes darted back and forth from my
ticking watch to that closed door. What was I going to
do? How was I ever going to be ready in time? As
my anxiety mounted, I even started to pray for that door to
open up……………………….
Have you ever been confronted
by the daunting prospect of a tightly closed door?
Doesn’t it seem to happen at the most inopportune times?
When life presents you with this sort of intimidating
obstacle, then it is time to take full advantage of God’s Open
Door Policy. He alone holds the key to your deliverance.
In this second volume of
heartfelt inspirational essays, Ruth continues her exploration
into God’s Word, offering encouragement and insightful answers
to life’s tough questions.
Price: $13.00

The Shelf
of Life
The air was slightly
musty and dust particles shifted, then danced
somewhat lazily through the stagnant air
whenever the lady of the house bothered to open
the storage cabinet. Located
at the far end of the spacious kitchen, this was
the place where seldom used dishes and utensils
were placed; out of the way, out of sight and
many times forgotten. Among
the mismatched disarray of dishware, an old
serving platter was shoved back into the
farthest corner of the bottom shelf under a pile
of other plates. A useful and beautiful piece,
the platter had often been the center of many
festive occasions.
Now it was relegated to THE SHELF, the
place of forgotten flatware, dreary dishes, and
grimy glassware…………….
Have you ever felt
abandoned on the Shelf of Life, buried under the
dark existence of burdensome circumstances? The
sensation of feeling forgotten by God is not an
uncommon occurrence. Actually it is a
reoccurring theme throughout Scripture and many
heroes of the faith experienced a time on The
Shelf of Life
Once again, Ruth has
woven a tapestry of emotions and inspiration
throughout the essays contained in this
inaugural volume of her new series, “From My Heart to
Drawing on the use of poignant word pictures and
insightful Biblical principles, she offers
uplifting answers to life’s difficult
questions that confront each of us.
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Probably no portion
of Scripture encapsulates the Biblical role of the
woman so perfectly as Titus 2:3-5. In fact, it
would seem fitting to call this passage the
abbreviated New Testament version of the lady-like
qualifications found in Proverbs 31. Using only
sixty-three words the Apostle Paul succinctly laid
out the perfect pattern for womanhood. If
followed, these precepts will enable all ladies to
be successful in every area of feminine
It is my sincere
heartfelt desire for you, the reader to realize more
fully how important you are in the Divine scheme of
things. Often we lose sight of how our daily actions
generate far-reaching results, either for good or
bad, within our families. As we examine ourselves
under the microscope of God's Word, let us determine
to use our influence for righteousness instead of
unrighteousness, for good instead of evil, to
replace inappropriate reactions with appropriate
responses. May we be holy women of God who
demonstrate becoming behavior within our homes,
churches and the world.
[Back to Top]
Beauty and the Beast:
Seventy percent
of the human sensory receptors in the entire body
are contained within the eyes thus validating the
old adage: “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
From the moment of birth, beauty or the lack
thereof becomes a measuring rod whereby we judge
one another. Haven’t we all exclaimed
excitedly over a beautiful baby? Conversely, our
response is somewhat less exuberant if the infant
in question fails to meet our criteria for
comeliness. Thus from day one of our
existence, this value system is subliminally
programmed into our psyche. Beauty begets
approval and accomplishment while homeliness
generates rejection and ridicule
This faulty
evaluation method can become the seedbed whereby
many deadly ideas are implanted into young,
impressionable minds. Is there any one who
has not suffered from the jeering censure and
taunting sneers of others? Many times these
experiences may have extremely destructive, even
deathly consequences. Will you join me for a
journey of discovery as we seek for God’s beauty
ideal? May the prayer of the prophet Moses
uttered so long ago in Psalm 90:17 be fulfilled in
the life of every fellow seeker of true and
lasting beauty, “And let the beauty of the LORD
our God be upon us. . . . . .
.” Ruth Harvey
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Price: $10.00
Before the Throne:
"...A must for every woman of God
who wishes to make her calling and election sure
in His Great Kingdom. For herein is the revelatory
privilege of women made known. What great
confidence God has placed in the woman rather than
burden as many purport. New converts will thrill
to the treasures of understanding disclosed from
these pages...I am most delighted to endorse this
lovely and all important work for such a time as
~ Rev. Lee Stoneking
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Reflecting the Glory
Continues the exploration into the
positive power of holiness that was begun in my
first book, Power Before the Throne. This
sequel gives sound Scriptural support for adhering
to God's standard of righteousness. Discover the
avenues whereby God's chosen people reflect his
glory into the world. Gain fresh insight concerning
such issues as jewelry, make-up, and modesty. In
these days of unparalleled wickedness, the Church
must remain "A city that is set on a hill."
May the light of holiness radiate from the people of
God as they mirror His image in a dark world!
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Price: $8.00 ea.
Half Price Sale! - $4.00 ea.
Teacher Pack
Student's Test Pack
Teacher's Test Pack be used in conjunction with any
of the Positive Power of Holiness resources.
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Price: $13.00
Price Sale! - $6.50

Buy for
Relic or Relevant
In one hand we possess the past or the
faith of our fathers and with the other hand we form
the future, the faith of our family for generations
to come. You and I, the present generation,
are the link between the past and the future.
Will we be the missing link or the vital
link? Will we model and instill in our
posterity an effectual relevant relationship
with God? Or will we be contented with an
ineffective, irrelevant alliance, nothing more than
a shrouded relic reminiscent of past
power? The fate of the future rests in our
hands. What will we do?
[Back to Top]
by Sacrifice
Explore the steps of Abraham as he
journeyed toward the fulfillment of the promise.
Often we wonder at his willingness to offer up Isaac
yet that decision was the result of many other
choices made prior to this ultimate time of testing.
His path parallels our walk with God.
Romans 4:12 speaks of those "who also walk in the
steps of that faith of our father Abraham." This
journey of sacrifice prompted by his love for God
and faith in God led Abraham to the ultimate
relationship with his Master-"he was called the
Friend of God."
The choices we make in life determine
our destiny! Walk with me if you will in the steps
of Faithful Abraham . . . .
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by the King- A sequel to Power Before the
Throne and Reflecting the Glory
Desired by the King unmasks the
enemy's tactics regarding feminism, submission,
modesty, and exploitation. The Church must never
conform to this world's fashions, fads, or belief
systems. It is imperative that we become a
transformed people; a bride befitting the King of
Kings and the LORD of Lords. "So shall the king
greatly desire thy beauty..." (Psalm 45:11)
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Half Price Sale! - $6.00
Interactive Study Guide
for Power Before the Throne and
Reflecting the Glory. This workbook will
facilitate in-depth Bible exploration both
individually and collectively.
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All resources can
now be ordered securely through our online
store! All prices are in US dollars.